Thursday, October 31, 2019

History and Political Science Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

History and Political Science - Coursework Example Both a stop and an arrest are considered â€Å"seizures regulated by the Fourth Amendment† and â€Å"must be justified by reasonable suspicion of criminal activity on the part of the detainee† before they can be enacted (Harr, Hess, and Orthmann 233). Furthermore, the intensity and scope of a seizure determines the transformation of a stop to an arrest (Harr, Hess, and Orthmann 233). A stop is considered a temporary detention, while an arrest is more of a long-term detention. ... On the contrary, Terry recognized that it may be the essence of good police work to adopt an immediate response. (Harr, Hess, and Orthmann 235) A reasonable suspicion for a stop or a probable cause for an arrest depends on the â€Å"totality of the circumstances† (Harr, Hess, and Orthmann 235). While â€Å"an anonymous tip, with nothing else, has been held to lack sufficient reliability to establish the reasonable suspicion for a...stop† (Harr, Hess, and Orthmann 235), other circumstances, such as â€Å"flight from police† may be a â€Å"relevant factor overall† (Harr, Hess, and Orthmann 235). This should be held in view of â€Å"the totality of the circumstances† (Harr, Hess, and Orthmann 235). One good example given is when a person suddenly fled at the sight of the police in a high-criminal area. While it may automatically indicate any wrongdoing of the part of the person who fled, the overall circumstances provide the police reasonable suspicion . When evidences are found on the person, then there will be a probable cause for an arrest (Harr, Hess, and Orthmann 236-7). How much force can be used by an officer when executing an arrest? How is it determined? => During seizures such as an arrest or a stop, â€Å"Terry allows officers to take all necessary steps to protect themselves if the circumstances reasonably warrant such measures† (Harr, Hess, and Orthmann 238). If the situation requires such actions, the police officer may 1) â€Å"draw their weapons,† 2) â€Å"have a reasonable number of backup officers,† and; 3) â€Å"handcuff individuals or place them in the back of a squad car† (Harr, Hess, and Orthmann 238). However, sometimes, even just a â€Å"frisk [is enough] protective action† during seizures (Harr, Hess, and

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Annotated Outline and Bibliography Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Annotated Outline and Bibliography - Assignment Example Criminal psychopaths engages in severe antisocial behavior, such as serial murder, animal cruelty, or sexual crimes while non-criminal have their manifestation of their pathology limited to non-criminal acts such as cheating or lying. On the other hand, antisocial personality disorder is a form of chronic mental condition in which an individual’s ways of thinking, perceiving situations and interaction with others are dysfunctional and destructive (Andrews & Bonta,2010). Victims of this condition shows no regard for right and wrong and often disregard the rights, wishes and feelings of others while general criminal involves deliberate contravention of the state law. Ted Bundy qualifies to be identified as a psychopathic serial predator due to his deceitful and well organized tactics of luring, killing and evading the law. It is important to note that criminal psychopathy is reflected in behavior such as substance abuse, sex addiction, drug addiction, addiction to gambling among other related compulsive behaviors. On the other hand, on-criminal psychopaths exhibit mild compulsive behavior such as internet addiction, procrastination, television watching (Dekle,2011). In regard to these concepts, the case of Bundy can be classified as criminal psychopathy due to his addiction to sex related crimes. In connection with the case of Bundy, Criminal profiling can be seen as an act of developing a psychological profile of an offender based on the state of the crime scene. This is always carried out by the forensic psychologist. This differs with other forensic evaluation procedures in that it crime scene helps to label the perpetrator as organized, disorganized, or mixed and the investigator uses this to study the behavior of the culprit for possible prosecution. The meticulous plan of Bundy in his many cases of crimes could only be managed by this method of

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Illegal Immigration Immigrants

Illegal Immigration Immigrants Running Head: Illegal Immigration in the US: Is it hurting us or helping us? Introduction For years, the debate on unauthorized immigrants has been a hot topic in the United States. Although it is an issue that has been a part of our society for a long time, it is a very difficult issue to study. The amount of illegal immigrants that have made the country their homes is not an actually known number. Many of the illegal men, women, and children that we have living in the US have not been observed or accounted for making it hard to distinguish just how big the problem is. In addition to this issue of unaccountability, the nation has yet to develop a census that asks members of our society of their legal status in the US. This has been an ongoing debate and it seems as though, despite the many departments established and bills passed on this issue, we will never find a common ground. Should we continue to spend money and time trying to fight the illegal migration of unauthorized immigrants in the US or are their presences helping to build a stronger nation? Illegal immigration in the US is a complex issue for several reasons. There has been a history of attempts to control the illegal population in the US, but yet and still, we have no answer. The number of immigrants that we have living in the US is not precisely known making it hard to determine how large the issue is and how wide spread is it affecting our nation. Where do we start if we dont know where they are? The complexity of the issue is one that needs to be observed more than the prevalence of the issue because no one on this side of statistical research and the analysis of our population has proven that this is indeed a problem for our economy and the society we live in. Some of the nations economist and business owners have determined that the American economy depends on illegal workers because they except low-wage jobs, pay taxes and spend money, all of which expands back to our national economy. On the other hand, there are illegal immigrants that are in the US to take advantage of the services that our federal government provides to the less fortunate. States such as California, Texas, Florida and Arizona are concerned with the large amounts of unauthorized immigrants in their jurisdictions and are seeking government assistance to provide education, health care and other social services that the state is required by law to provide to every person that abides in that state. Looking at the issue from this perspective would cause one to think that the cost of providing a â€Å"better† life to an unauthorized immigrant is too high. This review of the effects of illegal immigration is not something we can devote one field of study or one discipline to. The problem is so complex that when you look at the issue from one perspective it eliminates the chances of finding a common ground due to the biases of the research. The fast growth of our population can take effects on our government policies, education system, work force and job availability, health care system, and the amounts of crime that any one city may face. With an increased number of people there are to take care of, there is a decreased amount of resources to provide to any one individual or family. This issue lacks the simplicity of a right or wrong answer. Illegal immigration is an issue that needs to be research based on an interdisciplinary perspective based on the premise that, devoting one discipline to the study leaves out so many important factors and arguments that are for or against this issue. The number of disciplines that have taken an interest in this subject can range from government to the institution of the family but in this paper we will focus on the disciplines of Economics, Sociology and Political Science. These three disciplines have been proven to provide analysis of this issue on a wide spread basis. The study of economics includes the study of labor, land, and investments, of money, income, and production, and of taxes and government expenditures. According to the Gallop Poll, 66% of Americans believe that illegal immigrants are costing taxpayers too much money by using up government services such as public education and medical programs, rather than becoming productive citizens. At the same time, 74% of the people surveyed insisted that illegal immigrants in the US are helping the economy because they are willing to take low-paying jobs that most Americans are not willing to take. The problems that an illegal worker can cause on the economy are apparent in many of the scholarly studies on this issue and common ground seems far from being discovered. Sociology is the study of social life, social change, and the social causes and consequences of human behavior. Sociologists investigate the structure of groups, organizations, and societies, and how people interact within these contexts. Illegal immigration is obviously one of those issues that are affecting our society as a whole. Every year the size of the population living illegally increases by as much as 500,000 people. This flow of people is exploited by criminal structure involved in the smuggling of people and trafficking of illegal documents across the border. Illegal immigration has become a drain on social services and because of the conditions in which illegal immigrants work and live, many have found it difficult to follow the law and are at risk of becoming under-class and the source of social conflict. Political science is the study of governments, public policies and political processes, systems,  and political behavior. The government in the US has attempted to reduce illegal immigration mainly by making use of two immigration policies: border patrol and employer sanctions. Each year the border patrol makes more than a million apprehensions of aliens that violate our nations laws by unlawfully crossing US borders. Such entry is a misdemeanor, but, if repeated, becomes punishable as a felony. In addition to sneaking into the country in violation of the immigration law, others enter with legal documentation and overstay their welcome. Political Science is at the heart of this debate because the government is the sole source of the policies and procedures that we must follow. The purpose of this paper is to identify the negative and the positive effects of illegal immigration in the United States and come up with a valid answer to the question†¦is the illegal immigration population in the US helping our nation or hurting it? So much time and effort has been spent on this issue and there is still no common ground. The policies and the procedures that have been set aside to regulate this mass of migration have failed to do so in several ways and with each year that passes by the issue of illegal immigrants prove itself to be uncontrollable. Should we establish a comprehensive effort to end illegal immigration once and for all or should the people of our nation accept the fact that there is no answer to the problem and move on to other important issues that are affecting us? This paper will establish an answer to just that. Background The United States holds the prestige of being the best country in the world to live in. It is the land of freedom with endless opportunities. It is understandable why citizens of poorer, foreign countries are flocking to the US. America give immigrants the opportunity to receive higher wages and an increased amount of employment options. It is an opportunity for them to have a better life and provide a better life for their families. America in its simplest form can be considered a melting pot of all different kinds of people. There are hundreds if not thousands of different race groups, ethnic groups, and religion living on one common ground. Generation after generation people from all over the world have com e to America to start a new life. Some of these immigrants follow the rules of entrance and others do not. We not only share our land and country with Americans, we also share with a very large population of illegal immigrants. Often times when Americans think of illegal immigration, the first thing that comes to mind is the crossing of Mexicans illegally across the US border. The truth is, Mexicans are not the only illegal immigrants that we host in our country. An illegal immigrant is any foreign national that has resettled in the US in violation of immigration and nationality laws (White). There are a number of people from all over the globe that have illegal entered America and others that have overstay ed their welcome according to these same laws. Illegal immigration in the US is not a problem that is new to American people. It is one of the issues that we have dealt with for a very long time. Illegal Immigration reform can be dated back as far as 1891, which is when the first laws on immigration was established in the United States. At this time legislators were given the right to deport people living in the US with illegal status. The act also put a tax on immigrants landing on US soil. Immigrants would have to pay a 30 to 40 cent fee and the monies collected went towards things to help the town that the immigrant has landed in. This was the beginning of the citizens starting to notice the impact illegal immigration had on the country. Although the issue was recognized legislation didnt do so well. At that time illegal immigration was not seen as a big problem as many see it today. As years went on, the American government used different tactics in order to regulate the excessive amounts of foreign nationals entering the country. There were quota systems which limited the amount of people that could reside in the US from one particular country. In a way, one can say this system used prejudice tactics because members of the committee decided which ethnic groups of people were most and least desirable to live in the US. In 1952 the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) was put into place. This act was basically our way of governing citizenship and immigration in the US. The INA gave authorities the right to deploy illegal immigrants once apprehended and questioned. The act also prohibited the entry of citizens from certain countries into the US. This act, also known as the McCarran-Walter act, is the basis of immigration law enforcement today. The INA relied on a national origins quota system also with a preference system for Eastern Hemisphere immigrants, and wa s concerned with excluding and removing subversives and communists (Weissinger). Since the INS was first established, several amendments have been established in an attempt to put the illegal immigration crisis at ease. This paper does not go into detail on each of the legislations but it is apparent in research that the road to a perfect policy on immigration is a long one. By 1954, illegal immigration was perceived as so serious that the US Border Patrol launched â€Å"Operation Wetback† during which more than a million undocumented Mexican migrants were rounded up and deported back to Mexico (Espenshade). Within 5 years the number of illegal immigrant apprehensions dropped by 95% to fewer than 50,000 in 1959. This was a good start to correcting the problem but it wasnt a permanent fix which brings us to the Immigration Act of 1965. It was established after the Immigration and Nationality Act and it repealed the national origins quota system. This gave people of all nations the right to migrate to the United States regardless of their country of origin. In 1986, the Immigration Reform and Control Act was signed into law by President Reagan. It included amnesty for aliens who could establish residence in the United States by January 1, 1982. It allowed over 4 million immigrants to rightfully stay in the US. The act also allowed employer sanctions aimed at removing the lure of employment and gave a special exception for those aliens working in the field of agriculture. The IRCA is a very detailed description of the policies that are supposed to be enforced by immigration regulatory agencies. A strong emphasis was put on the employment of illegal immigrants. It made it unlawful for employers to hire an immigrant knowing of his or her illegal status and it also made it illegal to employ a person without receiving documents required to prove that persons citizenship. Before this act, employers were getting involved in hiring undocumented worker but once the act took place, it made the penalties for this much higher causing the numbers of employers that were not in compliance to fall. Another issue related to illegal immigration is crime. Having an increased amount of people in the country that then, because of the Immigration Reform and Control Act, cant work, increased the amount of crimes throughout American cities. The Immigration Act of 1990, which actually took effect in 1992, attempted to remove illegal immigrants with aggravated felony convictions (Weissinger). As far as the removal and deportation of criminals was concerned, the Immigration Act was successful but other stipulations within the act allowed for the number of visas provided to foreigners for employment-based immigration to more than double. The focus on removing criminal aliens continued with the addition of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA). This act attempted to apply retroactivity to aggravated aliens felons in the United States. Over several years over 5,000 Border Patrol agents and 300 interior enforcement agents were added to the tasks force. The IIRIRA and all of the various amendments to immigration reform are under continuous judicial review which makes it difficult for all of the different agencies regulating this to get on one accord. A major player in the difficulty of regulating illegal immigration in the US is the fact that the actual number of illegal immigrants we have living in the US is not a known number. In addition to the number of illegal immigrants entering the US not being observed, there is also no census or other federally sponsored survey asks respondents of their legal status. Basically, we can guess how many illegal immigrants are living in the US but we will never reach an actual number. The Immigration and Nationalization Service only documents the number of illegal immigrants that have been apprehended. It does not count the number of illegal immigrants that have actually made it into the US. The Immigration and Nationalization Service is the main source of immigration reform. The two major functions of the INS include service to the public and enforcement. There is a right and a wrong way to enter the country and for those trying to obtain legal status in the correct way, the INS is there to help. The service provided involves processing applications for benefits such as lawful permanent residence and citizenship. In order for the strategies of the INS to work successful, interior enforcement must be the most important factor in controlling immigration. Interior enforcement includes investigations, deportation, and inspections. These are all separate units within the INS. Critics of the INS claim that much more time is spent on border control than on the investigations. Based on the national census in 2000, the US Census Bureau puts the estimate of illegal immigrants at 8.7 million. Since then, United States immigration officials have said the number has grown by as much as 500,000 every year. It is apparent why illegal immigration is an issue for most Americans but it is difficult to find a solution that really works. Many scholars from fields such as political science, economics, geography and social science have studied and suggested their theories and beliefs on illegal immigration in America. The issue is however too complex and the window is way to big to see it from one view. Integration is needed to get a clear understanding of the effects and future of this phenomenon. References Political Science Wessinger, PhD, George (11/7/2003).The Illegal Alien Problem: Enforcing the Immigration Laws. New York Institute of Technology. CIBC66-327, 1-9 Orrenius, Pia (2001). Illegal Immigration and Enforcement along the U.S.-Mexico Border: An Overview. Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, 1, Retrieved 2/1/2008, from Woodland, Alan D., Yoshinda, Chisato (7/2004). Risk Preference, immigration policy and illegal immigration. Journal of Development Economics. 81, 500-513. Sociology Knickerbocker, Brad (5/16/2006). Illegal Immigrants in the US: How many are there?. The Christian Science Monitor, 516, Retrieved 2/1/08, from Chapman, Stephen Birth Control: Another Assault on Immigration. (4/8/2006). The Chicago Tribune, p. A14 Judis, John (2/13/2008). Phantom Menace: Americas Immigration Hysteria. The New Republic, 4, Retrieved 2/1/2008 Espenshade, Thomas (1995).Unauthorized Immigration to the United States. Office of Population Research. 21, 195-216 Economics White, Deborah (2/7/2008). Retrieved February 9, 2008, from Illegal Immigration Explained-Profits, and Poverty, Social Security and Starvation Web site: Lecker, Tikva (2000). Foreign Aid as a Discipline on Illegal Immigration. F22, 571-577. Jacobe, Dennis (3/27/2007). Investors Believe Illegal Immigration is Hurting the U.S. Economic Climate. Gallup News Service, Retrieved 2/1/2008 Jacobe, Dennis (9/14/2006).The Real Impact of Illegal Immigration. Gallup Management Journal Dula, Giora, Kahana, Nava, Lecker, Tikva (2004). How to partly bounce back the struggle against illegal immigration to the source countries. J Popul Econ. 19, 315-325

Friday, October 25, 2019

Hitlers Rise to Power :: World War II History

Hitler's Rise to Power Adolf hitler was born in brannau, austria on the 20th of april 1889. His parents belonged to the settled middle class and his father led a thrifty but successful life. At aged 18, hitler moved to vienna where he settled for five years. He described that period of time as the worst years of his life. As a struggling artist, he tried to gain entry into the vienna academy of fine arts but was refused admission. It was in vienna that hitler was influenced by lanz von libenfels and developed very strong nationalist and anti-semitic views. In may 1913, he left for munich. During ww1 in august 1914, he enlisted in the army. he fought on the western front for 4yrs and was awarded the iron cross for bravery. he remained in the army and was given the job of spying on newly developing political parties. One such party was the german workers party founded by anton drexler in 1919. hitler was so impressed at the first meeting by what he saw and heard that he decided to join the organisation. by 1920, he was leader of this party and changed the name to the national socialist workers party, commonly known as the nazi party. The nazis forme their own small army called the SA(sturm abteilung). they were easily recognised by the brown coloured shirts they wore. the SA were used to protect the nazis at any meetings or conferences that were held. hitler made the swastika the emblem of this party. early recruits included ernst rohm, rudolf hess, heinrich himmler and josef goebbels. With the weimar government facing economic and ploitical crisis in 1923, hitler decided to make a bid for power. this came in the form a the munich putsch. On 8th november 1923, nazi's took over a beer hall in munich. many people were killed. hitler was arrested two days later and was sentenced to 5yrs in landsberg castle. he only served 9months of this sentence. while in prison, hitler wrote his famous book 'mein kampf'- my struggle. this book was a long boring insight into the mind of hitler and his anti-semitic views. During his time in prison the nazi party had disintegrated , and its members had become divided. hitler had to spend the next 4yrs rebuilding the party and giving it a solid organisational base. Hitler believed in a true german race devoid of impurity which could be achieved by the elimination of all inferior races.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Project Management Case Study: The Spares Distribution Center (SDC) Essay

In the article written by John McMichael and Lockwood Greene (1994), the Boeing Commercial Airplane Group (BCAG) started to design and operate the new Spares Distribution Center (SDC) in SeaTac, Washington, for the company’s Customer Services Division. With the project aimed at yearly growth rate in the areas of inventory and shipments, there were internal and external risks that BCAG faced in relation to the project. Internal risks had something to do with the control system’s project design and implementation. As indicated in the article, â€Å"Custom software development with extensive sophistication and complexity could have increased design costs and jeopardized the overall schedule† (McMichael & Greene, 1994, p. 516). There were risks also in material handling, in managing extensive user input, and in the use of outside consultants. Internal risks were more centered on technical issues, which had to be solved through skills and correlation. When it came to external risks, however, these had something to do with political and social consent and acceptance. There had to be permitting by the new municipality, where the new project was to take place. Environmental impacts of the project had to be also considered here. More so, it was written that SeaTac was incorporated as a municipality â€Å"only months prior to the start of the project† (McMichael & Greene, 1994, p. 515), which reflected that the municipality was somehow alien to the processing of building permits and inspections. As for social acceptance, the new project of SDC would have had huge impact on the neighborhood, mainly because the project itself was huge. With the building to be extremely close to the SeaTac Airport, FAA’s rules and regulations should not be ignored. The new project of SDC posed some risks in the external and internal environments. However, these risks posed problems that could all be solved through communication, correlation, personal skills, and the procurement of knowledge and data. The most important thing, though, was to come up with the best project design that had to nullify all these risks.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Introduction to Financial Management Essay

ABSTRACT In the United States we have two different kinds of stock exchange the NYSE and the NASDAQ even though they have some similarities they are different in so many different ways. This paper will discuss how the NYSE and the NASDAQ operate, how they are different and what is the public company accounting and investor protect act of 2002. When we discuss the stock market we discover that it is an organization where equities are exchanged between buyers and sellers and the first thing that should come to our mind is either the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) or National Association of Securities Dealers (NASDAQ). They are two exchanges who account for the trading of a major portion of equities in the United States and the entire world. The NASDAQ and NYSE both use and are on a screened based electronic stock exchanges they both use electronic screens during trading of stock. The NYSE and NASDAQ are very different in the way they operate and in the types of equities they trade. In order to understand the differences between both we have to take a look at how stocks are traded and bought and the location of an exchange also plays a great role in where and how the transactions take place. In the NYSE, all trades occur in one place, on the trading floor in New York City, as we have seen on so many movies and you observe individuals on the floor usually in red jackets waving their hands on or ringing a bell before opening the exchange for trading, these individuals are through whom stocks are transacted on the NYSE. These exchanges consist of the majority of the equities traffic in the United States, as well as the major exchange traders in the United States and these two exchanges are also a part of the Stock Exchange Commission. The NASDAQ and the NYSE both conduct trading of stock equities as well as help to meet the buyer and supplier. They are many differences between NYSE & NASDAQ; the listing requirements for NYSE are much higher compared to the NASDAQ. The NASDAQ is and over the counter based market while the NYSE is auction market. The NYSE deals with small and midsized organizations and has specialists to manage that specific stock this feature is not incorporated in to the NASDAQ and the NYSE is not publicly traded while on the other hand the NASDAQ functions within the majority field of technological clients. The NASDAQ the public to trade stocks on it. The NASDAQ is not located on a physical trading floor that we see on television but it is on a telecommunications network. The individuals that work there are trading takes place directly between investors and their buyers or sellers, who are the market makers through an elaborate system of companies electronically connected to one another. CONCLUSION In conclusion, business as well as movies goes through their ups and downs it is essential to have a good business plan to ensure success in what you pursue. There is no question that having a good business plan is important and it takes a lot of work. When it is completed your efforts will pay off. As time goes on you will find out what works for your business and what doesn’t. As your business evolves, you’ll find that older versions of your plan provide a helpful reminder of how far you’ve come. REFERENCES